Posts Tagged ‘disappointment’

“Nobody likes being alone that much. I don’t go out of my way to make friends, that’s all. It just leads to disappointment. ”
― Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood

Awful but yea… I’m not the kind of person who would really do the first move in making friends. I TOTALLY HATE DISAPPOINTMENT! It’s the 2nd thing I would never want to experience! Gawd! Yea, wanna know the first one? “REJECTION”… ^_^   Sometimes, I’d rather be alone than spend the day with “trying-hard-psycho-friends“… It’s not that I don’t have social life or what, I love talking to people and I go partying. It just feels like, sometimes it’s more safe talking to strangers because I know they have nothing to hold against me… (Loose lips sink ships :)) than talking to people I have known for long yet all they want to do is stab you at your back! (How I wish that Plastic Surgeons can also repair attitude for FREE, so they can prevent the vast number of PLASTICS in the planet!) XD

I know a lot of people, but I don’t know who could be REAL infront of my face, and of course… behind my back! This doesn’t worry me though, from mingling to the outside world. I’m not afraid, not really. Just because I said that I’d rather be alone, it doesn’t mean I’m afraid. It’s even a manifestation that I’m brave enough to face the BIG WORLD on my own. NOBODY can make it out here alone, i know… That’s why we have everybody! Look, it’s not wrong to trust people, but we should know whom we can share our secrets with. I may not know who among these people around me could be REAL, but I always know whom I can run to when everything starts to fall apart. I’ve been through a lot, in my 21 years of existence, I guess I already have an idea if this friend can be trusted or not 🙂 We can have million friends whom we can laugh with for hours, but we can only have few whom we can entrust our secrets with. DON’T worry if they betray you, i know it’s sad but always remember…. “WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND”… KARMA strikes the people who deserve it… badly! 🙂
