Posts Tagged ‘Strong’

Keep Going! :)

Posted: February 6, 2013 in Uncategorized
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“She’s learned that, sometimes, you got to accept what life throws at you. But only after a really good fight…to find out what you’re made of. It’s the fight that makes the accepting bearable.” – Dirty Girl

Juno Temple - - -

Juno Temple – – –

I just watched this movie, it’s a good one huh! At first, it’s naughty, bitchy and funny, but at the end, i swear it made me cry.

This quote kinda stuck in my mind, which I believe has an impact on me! Of course! It wouldn’t be stuck in my head if it didn’t affect me at all, right? 🙂 “Learn and Accept”! Two things. There are times in our lives that we feel like we have no one to back us up, like everything is falling apart. We feel like people disagree and hate us! But we have to accept that we can never please everybody. People are people. We just have to be the real “US”, in a way that we don’t crash others’ lives. As long as we’re not causing trouble and pain to other people and we’re doing the right thing, there’s nothing to be worried about! People may or may not accept you, but it’s not your choice, it’s theirs, and whatever they choose, it’s how they want to live it! So let them keep it for themselves! They have their own lives to live, so do you. Get real and be strong! Know your goals, know where you’re heading to, expect difficulties along your way but keep going. Something beautiful awaits you there!
